Who can join BIEP?

Any auditor of any SAI worldwide.



What if I forget my password?

Click to ‘Login’ and ‘Forgot Password’ and fill in the form. In case you have not received an automatic password by email, please check the SPAM folder. If you do not know the correct answer to the question, please contact the BIEP team via biep@nku.cz. Here you can see the process of the forgotten password.

Can I suggest a new comparison?

YES, you can share your proposal in the relevant topic by creating a BIEP questionnaire or by discussing comparison possibilities.


Can I use results of BIEP cooperation in our national audit reports?

YES, all information shared on the BIEP Portal can be used for any type of publication after having received an explicit approval by the SAI which provided this information.

What is the BIEP Portal?

The BIEP Portal is a platform to share documents such as methodologies, values of indicators, audit reports, questionnaires, etc. Through a secure access, BIEP members can upload files and post contributions to discussions.

Can I create a new topic?

YES, each user can create a new topic for comparison after logging in to the non-public area of the BIEP Portal. In addition to audit topics, you can create topics just for communication within project/working groups and other initiatives. If you do not know how to create a new topic, just sign in, click on 'Help' and see the instruction videos.

Can I reply to the ongoing questionnaire?

YES, just answer the questions and upload the filled questionnaire to the relevant topic. If you do not have any audit experience with the topic, you can use the publicly available information from national sources.

Where can I find information about news in the project?

Each registered user is regularly informed about BIEP News by email notifications. The BIEP News is sent approximately once a month and contains information about new topics, ongoing questionnaires, new comparison results, new functionalities of the BIEP Portal and other relevant information. Users can also set up notifications in each topic and receive email notifications about a new contribution in the discussion.

How can I join the BIEP Portal?

It is easy! Follow these instruction. Create an account and wait for a confirmation email. Then you are in! Here you can see the registration process. 

Can I join an existing topic?

YES, each BIEP member can join any existing topic anytime. In case a topic is open to all users, just contribute to the topic discussion or upload a document related to the topic. In case of a private topic, please contact the topic owner and ask for the access.


Where can I find results of BIEP cooperation?

All the results are published on the BIEP Portal. Some BIEP results are also published in national audit reports (see Public information).


Other questions?

If you have not found the answer to your question listed in our FAQs, you can always contact us directly at biep@nku.cz.