Here you can find publicly available outputs related to over 20 topics, which are currently being worked on within BIEP - be they audit reports, analytical information or other relevant documents. These are available without necessity of registration and you can simply download these files anytime. In non-public area, you will find more - methodologies, questionnaires and other documents as well as discussions. All of them will be available right after you have registered on the BIEP website.

Auditing the response to the COVID-19 pandemic
EUROSAI IT Working Group
Water pollution
Cyber security
Defence Single Living Accommodation
Electronic identification (eID)
Contributions to international organisations
High-speed rail
Flood preventive measures
Construction and maintenance of road bridges and regional roads
Benchmarking ICT
Preparedness for implementation of SDGs
Investments in regional healthcare infrastructure
Motorways and roads
Digitalization of education
Air pollution
Social Services
Social housing
Centralized public procurement
Crime prevention