About biep
What's BIEP
BIEP is a flexible form of cooperation among supreme audit institutions. BIEP encourages auditors to share ideas and experience based on the same methodology for a particular area. The main idea of BIEP is to compare key performance indicators (KPIs) and specific national conditions across various countries. Areas of comparison are not limited. Compared to other forms of cooperation BIEP contributes to saving time and audit costs.
3C Principles
The data and information exchange is based on the 3C principles: communication, cooperation and comparison. The 3C principles are an integral part of the vision of the next EUROSAI Congress and the subsequent EUROSAI Presidency. According to 3C principles, BIEP contributes to EASY communication, BETTER cooperation which lead to MORE comparisons.
Here you can find publicly available outputs of open topics, which are currently being worked on via BIEP - be they audit reports, analytical information or other relevant documents. In non-public area, there are more materials such as methodologies, questionnaires and other documents as well as discussions forums. All of them will be available right after you have registered on the BIEP website..
BIEP started as an initiative of the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic and currently there are more than 36 institutions from the EUROSAI organization which are already actively participating. The BIEP Portal is used by more than 500 SAI employees from 47 countries in total.