Why to join BIEP

Auditors can easily collect and share information, find out other approaches to the audited area and see new perspectives to the research problem via the BIEP Portal. BIEP helps auditors to identify audit criteria and good practice and to define audit recommendations in accordance with the good practice. It is worth mentioning that BIEP is a useful tool for displaying better feedback not only to public budget administrators, but to the citizens as well. Last but not least, it helps when performing external oversights to contribute to public integrity and accountability.

How to join BIEP

In order to join BIEP and get access to the non-public area of the BIEP Portal, please register and wait for the approval of our administrator. You will receive an email confirmation and another email with a verification code and a link from portal@biep.nku.cz. In case you do not receive these emails within 24 hours, please check your SPAM folder or contact us.

To enter the non-public area of the BIEP Portal, please sign in. After you have accepted the terms of use, please verify your email via the verification code or link. Then you will be able to set up your Password reminder question. Now you have gained the access to the BIEP files and discussion forums in the non-public area.

The privacy statement where you can find out more about personal data, which you have provided to us, is here.

Rules of engagement

Data and Information within BIEP are shared on the BIEP Portal. All users must respect the confidentiality of information acquired while performing activities within BIEP. Users should not use or disclose any information without proper and specific authority form the SAI that shares its data and information within the BIEP Portal. The Czech Supreme Audit Office is the provider of the BIEP Portal, however, it is not responsible for the content stored by other SAIs in this portal. SAIs who join BIEP have to follow fundamental principles of the project.

BIEP principles

BIEP principles are simple, clear and there are only a few of them. SAI can join a topic anytime without any restrictions or conditions. SAIs can use the results for its own national reports upon approval of all cooperating SAIs in the given topic. SAIs can also suggest a new topic for benchmarking or express interest in any area. It is up to particular SAIs if it uses already existing methodologies or suggests /creates a new one.